Comeback number 99

By Jim den Hollander Editor

Someday, I hope I look back and smile with appreciation at my unrelenting efforts to keep my dream website afloat.

Once again, I find myself at my keyboard, explaining one more jumpstart on I am not going to say its now or never, because I believe I have already said that — likely a few times.

This is my dream project and I don’t see myself ever giving up on it. In my vision, the video version is a must see look at whats going on in every level of Midwest hockey, but the reality so far has been primarily written reports. Real life interference combined with small stories that become novels that take all day to write always seem to put me behind.

The machine moves from front burner to back burner frequently and while the easiest thing would be to give up, I just can’t. I have invested too much into this, closing in now on 400 articles on this site. The newest recovery will see me looking at pro teams and some junior clubs racing toward the post season while at least a couple of junior entries are now well into the playoffs.

Hopefully this is my last restart, but I know better than to predict that at this point.


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