All about time

This is written as a half explanation/half apology to my readers of which there may not be any…As of right now, I have had about 50-100 comments on my blog so far…about half are from a shoe company which apparently has a new special every day and the other half is from various people so charged up on helping me get views to my blog, that they will let me use their service free….for a week.

In the off season, I crave a chance to watch and write about actual games, But when the real season arrives, it seems I am so caught up in the action hockey season that all of my free time (ie, time not taken up by real work and sleep) seems to evaporate in an effort to play an ever increasing role on our local junior hockey team.

Now don’t get me wrong. That is absolutely a labor of love. I wouldn’t change one second of the responsibility. The more I do for the local team, the more I want to do. I love the Dells Ducks. But I find the efforts to stay on top of what has happened so far get increasingly hard. That time between weekends seems long at work but miniscule when I try to catch up in my ‘spare’ time.

I did a sort of update on the five MIdwest NHL teams and gathered info on both the Tier I USHL and Tier II NAHL that would have me up to date heading into this weekend which is the third weekend for the NAHL, but opening weekend for the USHL. And that’s not including the Tier III leagues that have been at it since the weekend after Labor Day as well.

Division 3 College Hockey teams as well as club teams are already underway as well and the Division 1 teams are not far behind.

I am striving to redouble my efforts in order to get into a rhythm that will see timely updates and the latest up to the minute occurences highlighted is well.

That is my goal and I am hoping to get there sooner rather than later.

That said, I am heading on the road for the weekend. I will have my computer with me, but who knows how things can get skewed when you are away from home.

If you are reading this, cheer me on in my efforts to get caught up and turn this blog into something amazing.





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